Manipal Hospital, New Delhi

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Manipal Hospitals Dwarka is a super-specialty hospital with seamless integration and paperless services.

Manipal Hospitals Dwarka is a super-specialty hospital with seamless integration and paperless services.

Manipal Hospitals Dwarka is a super-specialty hospital with seamless integration and paperless services.

Manipal Hospitals Dwarka is a super-specialty hospital with seamless integration and paperless services.
Established in : 1953 | Number of beds : 380 | New Delhi, India
Manipal Hospitals Dwarka is a super-specialty hospital with seamless integration and paperless services.
It is part of Manipal Hospitals Group which was established in 1953 as Kasturba Medical College in Manipal, Karnataka and is a third largest established player in India.
The group has more than 10 corporate hospitals, 5 teaching hospitals and 5900+ beds.
Manipal Hospitals as an entity came into existence in 1991 with the launch of hospital in Bangalore. Today, the group has 15 hospitals in India and international presence with hospital in Malaysia.
The group is India’s leading healthcare network treating more than 2 million patients every year in 15 hospitals.
It has technological advancements like telemedicine, automated pneumatic chute system, artificial intelligence, remote monitoring, augmented thinking, virtual reality, EMR, etc.
The hospital has a cutting-edge infrastructure with 24x7 emergency and trauma services, 380 beds, 118 critical care beds and 13 OTs.
It meets global standards in research and clinical practices and radio-diagnosis.
Distance: 8 KM
Time: 14 Minutes
Distance: 2 KM
Time: 6 Minutes
Palam Vihar, Sector 6, Dwarka
New Delhi Delhi 110075, India
World Class Quality
Hospitals in India are designed to meet national and international healthcare requirements and is committed to providing excellent patient care and quality medical care.
Multispeciality Expertise
We brings together an expert team of specialists who collaborate with caring nurses to provide accurate diagnosis and medical care to patients.
State-Of-The-Art Infrastructure
The hospitals have state-of-the-art technological infrastructure and medical facilities that make medical care healthier, better and more comprehensive.
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